Parent Council

What does the Parent Council do?

The Parent Council represents all the Parent Forum at Crombie.  This includes all the parents and carers of pupils. Our goals are to:

● work in partnership with the school to create a welcoming school, that is inclusive for all parents.

● promote partnership between the school, its pupils and all parents.

● develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare of the pupils.

● identify and represent the views of parents on the education provided by the school and other matters affecting the education and welfare of the pupils.

● participate in the appointment of senior staff at the school

● establish links and partnerships with other schools, local businesses and the local community.

How does the PTA differ from the Parent Council?

The PTA and Parent Council work in partnership with  each other and the school.  The PTA’s objective is to advance the education of Crombie pupils by providing and assisting the provision of educational facilities which are not normally provided by the Local Education Authority. The PTA fundraise throughout the year through social and other events, e.g. Spring Fayre, Bags 2 School, Photo sessions.

What has the Parent Council achieved in the last few years?

We provided a vital link for parents’ input to the school, including:

● Co-ordinated with Aberdeenshire Council to amend/improve pedestrian crossing on Hay’s Way after the introduction of additional double yellow lines. Have path installed at front of school.

● Set up communications with the other four Westhill schools so if necessary, we can provide a united response, on the basis that the more people are involved the more likely  bodies like Aberdeenshire Council will take notice.

● Responded on behalf of parents to Aberdeenshire Council’s Curriculum for Excellence.

● Supporting the school to improve the physical state of the school and its facilities.

● Assisted in the appointment of SMT.

● Amend timing of parent /teacher interviews to give more time for feedback.

● Liaising and supporting the school with the School Crossing Patroller.

● Supporting school and the acting Head Teacher during absence of HT, and working closely with Aberdeenshire Council for a solution.

How can I contact the Parent Council?

You can send a letter to:

Parent Council,

Crombie Primary School,

Hay’s Way,



AB32 6XZ

or email:

Parent Council summary



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