Parent Teacher Association
What is the PTA? Can I be involved?
Crombie PTA is a registered charity whose main role is to enhance the educational experience of children attending Crombie school through raising funds for equipment / activities which are not usually funded by the Local Authority.
Since August 2021 the current PTA have worked hard alongside the teaching staff to bring some very exciting events to life to raise much needed funding to Crombie.
These included:
Numerous Dons Day Outs in collaboration with Aberdeen Football Club where all ticket sales return 50% to the school.
The ever popular Elf Shop each Christmas.
The Crombie Movie Night.
The School Disco.
22 for 22 – sponsorship to ensure EVERY child at the school went on a school trip.
Selling Christmas Cards, mugs and Calendars featuring the children’s artwork.
To name but a few…
We strive to assist the school at every opportunity with provision and support during Sports Days and School Shows etc.
Our aim is to include every child in our events so everyone has the opportunity to participate.
In achieving these and other events we have kindly funded much needed Numeracy, Literature and Writing Packages to Crombie along with the exciting School Trips that many children had never experienced due to Covid or those who missed out during this time also.
These events were organised and run by the committee and parents and carers with children of all ages in the school along with some teachers.
Anyone is welcome to join the committee or the parent body, all you need is to be willing to volunteer a small amount of time.
There are four office bearing committee members (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer), who are nominated during the AGM. Other members of the committee are ordinary members and there is always a member of staff on committee to support with home-school liaison.
The PTA committee usually meet once per term to discuss and arrange fundraising with an occasional extra meetings for a particular event.
The main objective is to raise as much money as possible to provide support and enrich the education of every child attending Crombie but to include the best interests of the pupils and to have their input too.
We request that the teaching staff compile a “Wish List” of all items they would like to be purchased by the PTA when funds are available.
This gives us all a goal to work towards and with your help and the help of your children we will again manage to grant those wishes.
Contact the PTA
If you require any further information, or would like to get in touch, please either drop a letter off at the school reception or use our postal address, email or Facebook account and we will be in touch: